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TPA - Thermal Protective Aid

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Vad vill du veta om TPA - Thermal Protective Aid?



Thermal Protective Aid Type Tyro 2:2

Väldigt smidig att ha i båten eller bilen (eller var som) där du kan behöva lite extra säkerhet mot hypotermi. Blir du överraskad av vind, regn eller kyla så är den en väldigt billig försäkring. Kanske du behöver värma upp någon nerkyld person. Hoppa in i TPA dräkten och håll värmen.

A Thermal Protective Aid (TPA) is an aluminized polyethylene suit with heat sealed seams that protects from the elements and prevents hypothermia.

It is defined by the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code[1] as follows:

A thermal protective aid shall be made of a waterproof material having a thermal conductance of not more than 7,800 W/(m²K) and shall be so constructed that, when used to enclose a person, it shall reduce both the convective and evaporative heat loss from the wearer's body.

The thermal protective aid shall:

1. cover the whole body of persons of all sizes wearing a lifejacket with the exception of the face. Hands shall also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided; 2. be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a survival craft or rescue boat; and 3. permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 min, if it impairs ability to swim.

The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air temperature range -30°C to +20°C.

— International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

Every survival craft should have 2 thermal protective aid suits or 10% of its total carrying capacity whichever is greater.[2] For the purpose of high visibility in all weather conditions the suit is coloured in international orange.

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